HFLEA Executive Committee Mtg., High School, 3:15 p.m. #WeAreHFL

Happy St. Patrick's Day from HF-L CSD! #WeAreHFL

Happy St. Patrick's Day from all the little Leprechauns on Bus #40! #WeAreHFL

Congratulations to Nettie Jaszko on being a recipient of the BOE's Cougar Pride Award. Jaszko was nominated by the High School Mental Health Team for going above and beyond every day by building relationships with students and staff. She brings a professional and positive energy to everything she does. If you need an extra hand, she always steps up and is the first to jump in and offer help. Nettie's superpower is the ability to create connections with students. Students trust and confide in her. She regularly lets our team know if she is concerned about a student. Nettie supports all students but also holds them to a high standard encouraging them to make good decisions. Our building is a better place because of her! She is an outstanding role model for HF-L's mission: Every Student Every Day.

Congratulations to Catherine Roberts on being a recipient of the BOE's Cougar Pride Award. Roberts was nominated by a student named Kinley for helping with schoolwork and solving problems. Mrs. Roberts is always kind and friendly. She makes students feel safe and comfortable. Mrs. Roberts helped me feel less stress and reassured me that everything would be okay. I honestly don't know how I would get through the school day without her.

Board of Education members were given a tour of the 'B' wing of the High School to look at upcoming renovation areas. #WeAreHFL

The Board of Education recognized Cougar Pride Award winners at tonight's BOE meeting. Congratulations to all. #WeAreHFL

Reminder: Budget Study Session (followed by a regular Board of Education Meeting), H.S. Cafe., 6 p.m.

Congratulations to HF-L's own Jackie Martin and Chandra Taggart on being awarded the @News_8 Golden Apple Award! See full coverage of this sweet surprise on @News_8 on Tuesday, March 12th! 🍎💛

HF-L High School Drama Club presents: Mamma Mia!, 3/21, 3/22 & 3/23, at 7:30 p.m. with an additional showtime of 2 p.m. on 3/23, District Aud., Middle School. #WeAreHFL

Well, it's official, Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow in front of thousands of spectators this morning at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. That means, according to the legend, we're in for an early spring.
This marks the first time since 2020 that Phil predicted an early spring.

If Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his burrow today and sees his shadow, he will retreat to his den and winter will go on for six more weeks; if he does not see his shadow, spring will arrive early.

Manor Intermediate School takes great pride in announcing its prestigious title as a Model Professional Learning Community at Work™ by Solution Tree, a distinction shared with a distinguished group of about 600 schools globally.

HFLEA Executive Committee Mtg., 1/29/24, High School, 3:15 p.m. #WeAreHFL

Professional Development Day, 1/26/24, Students Not in Session. #WeAreHFL

Music Booster Club Mtg, 1/24/24, High School Chorus Room, 7:00 p.m. #WeAreHFL

Budget Study Session followed by a regular Board of Education Mtg., 1/23/24, Imagine Lab, Manor Intermediate, 6:00 p.m. #WeAreHFL

Congratulations to Joanne Gravelle on being a recipient of the BOE's Cougar Pride Award. Gravelle was nominated by Colleen Halbohn for being an amazing teacher. She leads with respect, humor, high expectations, and kindness all at once. Her classroom is lovingly called Gravelleville, and her valiant citizens (AKA students) are Gravellians. She inspires her students. When she dressed up as Rosie the Riveter back in October (dress like someone who inspires you day), TWO students dressed up as her! What an amazing testament to the impact she has on her students.

Congratulations to Joanne Gravelle on being a recipient of the BOE's Cougar Pride Award. Gravelle was nominated by Colleen Halbohn for being an amazing teacher. She leads with respect, humor, high expectations, and kindness all at once. Her classroom is lovingly called Gravelleville, and her valiant citizens (AKA students) are Gravellians. She inspires her students. When she dressed up as Rosie the Riveter back in October (dress like someone who inspires you day), TWO students dressed up as her! What an amazing testament to the impact she has on her students.

District Health & Safety Committee Mtg., 1/16/24, 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. #WeAreHFL